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Patrick Mehan | Neutral

As an owner of a successful moderate size, 20-30 million yearly volume, commercial construction company, I specialize in commercial construction from inception throughout completion. I have a vast knowledge of construction means and methods from A to Z.

Approach to Mediation

As a result of 40 years of commercial construction in multi states, private and governmental projects, Patricks’ approach requires relationships based on realistic interpretation of the contract documents regardless of the position as either a GC, Owner, Architect, Engineer, Subcontractor or Supplier. A successful resolution can be arrived only if all parties work together. Patrick has created relationships with over 5000 sub-contractors/suppliers throughout the southeast as well as relationships with architects, engineers and owners, within the private and state and federal levels. In order to be successful, rigid control of the docs and directions must be maintained and even then, litigation, mitigation, arbitration is often required to settle internal disputes between the sub and contractor and architect. It is almost impossible to convert a one-dimensional plan to a three-dimensional project without conflicts and misinterpretations, to be a competent mediator, Patrick is prepared to explain the process and allow all parties to share in the resolution. The truth is its unimportant what the mediator knows or doesn’t know but is critical that the mediator can explain the issues and the subsequent resolution to all involved parties.

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury/Torts ​

  • Estate/Probate/Trusts

  • Premises Liability

  • Business & Commercial

  • Insurance/Builders Risk

  • Product Liability

  • Professional Liability

  • Construction​

  • Construction Management


  • Georgia State University 1965​

  • United State Air Force 1965 – 1969




Administrative Fee 

  •  $150 per party/per mediation​


Mediation Hourly Fees (2 Hour Minimum) 

  •  2 Party Case: $125 per party/per hour​

  •  3 Party Case: $112.50 per party/per hour​

  •  4 Party Case: $101.25 per party/per hour



Get in Touch:  Contact Information for Your Convenience.


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